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Seeded Fish Goujons with a Herb Butter Potato Salad

Serves 4
Seeded Fish Goujons with a Herb Butter Potato Salad


280g cod, skinless
150g panko breadcrumbs
4 tsps of seed salt mix
2 eggs
6 tbsps of plain flour
4 tbsps of veg oil


Mix the panko breadcrumbs with the Super Seed Topper salt and turn onto on a plate. Have another side plate with the flour and 1 tsps of the seedy salt blend. A third plate with the whisked eggs.

Slice the cod into fish finger sized chunks, best to cut down the natural line of the fish as it tends to fall apart there anyway. 

Roll and completely cover the fish in the flour, tapping off any excess. Then submerge into the egg mix, again letting excess drip off. Then finally roll in the panko seed mix, really pushing into the fish so it’s nice and compact.

Meanwhile, preheat then oven - 180c fan.

Heat the vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan and start frying the fish. Fry until each side is golden then put onto a tray and blast for 5 mins in the oven.

Great served with tarragon aioli, (see Lobster recipe here) and crushed new potatoes with rocket, peas, mint and tossed in the herb butter.

Why not also try this breadcrumb recipe with chicken.