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GDPR - It's not you, it's us

GDPR - It's not you, it's us

As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all companies have to review how they manage all personal data from customers and ensure they are GDPR-ready by 25th May 2018.


As a Cornish Sea Salt customer, we’ll be asking you to choose if you‘d like to receive updates from us on features, products and offers via email. Your personal data is in safe hands with Cornish Sea Salt. We use your personal data to help us provide a great customer service, which includes tailoring the information we share with you to help ensure that it’s relevant, useful and timely as well as offers you might enjoy too!


We respect your privacy and work hard to ensure we meet strict regulatory requirements. We don’t sell your personal data to third parties. We’ll always go the extra mile to protect your personal data and as part of this, we regularly review our privacy notice so that you can see how we use your data and what your options are. Take a look at our recently updated Privacy Policy to find out more. Please be aware that further changes relating to GDPR may be made to our Privacy Policy in the future.

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